Nazizi: The best decision I ever made was leaving everything I knew and moving to Lamu to start afresh

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Nazizi does not regret quitting her music career to start a new life in the coastal town of Lamu. The veteran rapper says moving to Lamu was the best decision she has ever made.

For starters, Nazizi quit music years ago and ultimately decided to relocate to Lamu after she fell in love. She moved to the coastal town with her ex and her son.

Speaking during an interview with Sunday Magazine, the mother of one says that leaving everything behind was so scary for her because she didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Nazizi however stressed that she doesn’t regret her decision.

Nazizi with her son

“The best decision I ever made was moving to Lamu. I lived there for three years. I left everything I knew and moved with my then partner and son to start afresh. It was quite scary because I really didn’t know what I was getting into. I sent someone I knew money to find me a house. I’m the opposite of that because I like being organised and knowing every next step. I didn’t think about what would happen to my music career or how I would survive,” said Nazizi.

Adding that;

“My son had just turned one and I wanted to not be Nazizi for a while. It was the happiest time of my life. I was there when my son took his first steps, I experienced all the moments – big and small. It was in Lamu that I separated from my husband. My support system was in Nairobi but I fought off the decision to move back for six months. I hadn’t recorded anything for three years. I had to think about my career then. I thought maybe moving back would be the best thing. God also works in mysterious ways because every decision I’ve ever made, He always backs me up. When I came to Nairobi and people heard I was back, I started getting projects.”

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