Nairobi County Government Introduces Yellow Box Junctions On Roads!How Do They Work?

1 min read

Nairobi County government has introduced Box Junctions Nairobi CBD’s most congested roads, Namely; at Kenyatta Avenue, Mama Ngina Street, Wabera Street, City hall way, a move seen as a bid to ease congestion in CBD.

Box junctions are indicated by crisscross yellow lines painted on the road. They are usually found at the junction of two or more roads and occasionally at roundabouts or outside fire and ambulance stations. A yellow box junction does not require any other signage.

Motorists are encouraged not to enter the yellow boxes unless the exit is clear. Drivers who enter the yellow box intersections illegally will be arrested and prosecuted by the Nairobi City County government Traffic Marshals with the charge of obstruction as per the traffic act.

Motorists may enter a yellow box junction when your exit is clear and there is enough space on the other side of the junction for your vehicle to clear the box completely without stopping.

You can only stop in a yellow box junction when turning right if you are prevented from turning by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.

A Motorist approaching a  Box Junction is not supposed follow the vehicle in front as it may stop and prevent your exit and don’t let other drivers pressure you to enter the box when a clear exit is not available.