We all know how big hearted Mzazi Willy M. Tuva is and how much he has played a major role in contributing to Kenyan music and bringing up new stars that we adore today. Well, he is not just a big heart when it comes to music alone but he is a philanthropist too and he loves to give back to the less fortunate ones when he gets the chance and
the other day he went to visit Umoja and was startled by a young girl who called him by his full name ‘Mzazi Willy M. Tuva!’ and this made him pick him up and make her a friend for life. The radio presenter, mentor and philanthropist has a foundation called Mzazi foundation

“….I Visited Umoja With @focuseastk And This Young Beautiful Fan Stopped Me By Shouting Out My Names, “Mzazi Willy M. Tuva!!” I Just Froze, Smiled, Turned Back And Picked Beryl Up In My Arms For This Photo : To Succeed In Life, You Need The Confidence To Face And Overcome Your Fears : Have A Confident Day And Follow @mzazifoundation #makeadifference #happiness2others #share #love #hope #wow #mzazifoundation” Mzazi said