Mike Sonko entered office with such pomp and promise. We thought that we had finally got a governor who could deal with the myriad of problems that were facing Nairobi County. But wow, shit has gone upstream as things are falling apart Chinua Achebe style.

Governor Sonko has come out to claim that the county does not have the money to pay its own workers. This after the month of August and September that was a complete boon for the county bank coffers. So what happened to all that money that they had collected? Hmm? This country of ours has no corruption! So don’t think of any corruption. I forbid it!

Anywho, Mr. Sonko has now written to beg the treasury for an additional 3.3 billion shillings to pay for salaries. The situation is so bad that there are rumours that the county workers are threatening to down their tools. Whatever happens, as Kenyans we hope he can put his house in order.

Here are some reactions from people on social media on how well Governor Sonko has performed:
By voting for @MikeSonko , #Nairobians thought they could successfully turn a hoe into a housewife..
You thought Kidero’s inadequacies were heavy? Sonko’s ineptness will crash you!
— Kipkalya Kones (@CollinceBey) October 23, 2017
Unbelievable, @MikeSonko. Shuts down Uhuru Park for peaceful protests but allows Mungiki into the park, in the name of a business community.
— Munene O. (@Munenne) October 23, 2017
Come here @MikeSonko didn’t you brag about how much you were collecting per day?? https://t.co/8VWAh8ThOA
— Betty Waitherero (@bettywaitherero) October 20, 2017
The guy who writes Mike Sonko’s speeches should just do so in Sheng’. He looks like a kindergarten kid reading from a quantum physics book.
— Gabriel Oguda (@gabrieloguda) October 20, 2017
12:25 Eastleigh. Mheshimiwa @MikeSonko what is happening??????? pic.twitter.com/lhpjMsz5fq via @PRSA_Roadsafety
— Ma3Route (@Ma3Route) October 23, 2017