Michelle Ntalami with her ex lover Makena Njeri (left). Ntalami after giving her life to Christ (right). Photos/Instagram (@michelle.ntalami)

“Today, I do it for The Lord Jesus Christ,” Michelle Ntalami stops being a lesbian, surrenders her life to God

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In a heartfelt revelation shared on social media, Michelle Ntalami recounted a transformative encounter with God on August 21, 2023.

Despite her success as an entrepreneur, she acknowledged the deep wounds and struggles she faced, leading her to question the very existence of God.

“In an instant, I felt the most overpowering rush of love and light engulf me!” Ntalami recounted, describing the profound experience that followed. “Yes, I AM,” she heard, as God Himself spoke to her, revealing His presence and unwavering love.

Following this encounter, Ntalami underwent a period of isolation and sanctification, guided by God’s divine timing.

Emerging from this spiritual journey, she declared her unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as her Savior and the source of her newfound peace and freedom.

“My story is a true testimony to this,” Ntalami affirmed, reflecting on her past life as a sinner redeemed by the Blood of Jesus.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ntalami vowed to dedicate her life and influence, including her presence on social media, to glorifying God. “May I decrease as He increases,” she declared, expressing her fervent desire to share her testimony and lead others to faith.

In closing, Ntalami extended an invitation to her followers, friends, and adversaries alike, welcoming them to join her on this new journey of faith. “Who the Son sets free, is free indeed,” she concluded in a lengthy post on Instagram, citing the words of John 8:36.

Michelle Ntalami is a well-known lesbian who has dated a handful of female celebrities. The highlight of her homosexual relationship was the bitter breakup with Makena Njeri in November 2021.

Related: Michelle Ntalami breaks up with her girlfriend Makena Njeri cites infidelity as the cause of the break up