In Music, Mejja a.k.a Okonkwo is dope, just dope!
But this side, this soft, caring side is new to us but I won’t trip. It’s actually kinda sweet. In the recent years, northern Kenya has been one of the marginalized places in Kenya and at one point, Kenyans came together to help change all that by donating what they had to help the situations, we thanks Kenyans for all that support. Anyway, Mejja has seen what the northern parts of Kenya lacks and has decided to address it and urged his fellow Kenyans to help where they can by posting a touching picture which describes the situation plainly.
Here is what Mejja #theGengeAdvocate posted:

The photo was captioned: All They Want Is An Opportunity, Good Infrastructure, Security And Modern Schools, They Want To Learn But No One Remembers Them, Children From All The Tribes In Northern Kenya!!!! Just My Thoughts Wagenge GODBLESS