It is no lie, Mejja has never felt ashamed that he’s from the ghetto called Majengo in Nyeri, he’s somewhat proud of his background, as he should. Well, today he has decided to come forth and narrate his story of his first experience in Kenya.
For those who don’t know, Mejja is from a ghetto called Majengo in Nyeri – yup, the Nyeri we all know- and while he was there, he didn’t know anyone in Nairobi and so when he decided to come to the CBD, he used to sleep at Calif record’s talented producer, Clemo.
Apparently, while Mejja was crashing at Clemo’s place, Madtraxx used to sneak Mejja out of the house and show him around town. Mejja claims that the first time they met with Madtraxx way back in 2007, they just clicked! Mejja ate his first hotdog because of Madtraxx because he was the first person who bought it for him.
Madtraxx and Mejja have such a strong bond that they are practically brothers, at least that’s how Mejja sees it and we won’t deny the fact that together they make smash hits, one after the other and together I know they are the #TwoUntouchables in the Kenyan music, and whoever came up with the idea of having them join forces, I bless you because when this two comes together, they create Epic music and The Kansoul is really awesome musically and I’m sure they’re going places, no doubt.
I know and trust that Madtraxx feels the same way Mejja feels about him.

This is what Mejja had to say to Madtraxx:
“That Moment U Appreciate Your True Friend And It Hits u Hard!!!!@madtraxx He Has Been My Friend Since 2007 When I First Came To Nairobi, Yap Mi Ni Mse Wa Ocha Kuruka, I Used To Live With Clemo Madtraxx Would Lie To Clemo To Snick Me Out At Night, AkiNionyesha Nairobi Night Life, I Wish u Could See My Face The Nairobi Night Lights Mesmerized Me, He Never Judged Me From Where I Was From The Ghettoh, Dem He Was The First Person To Buy Me A Hot Dog, Mtu AkiNidharau Juu Yakutoka Ghettoh It Used To Affect Me He Would Sit Me Down And Encourage Me, Through Up And Down In My Life Amekuwa Na Mimi Always There When I Need A Brother, We Have Made Good Music Together And Still Making More, I APPRECIATE YOU MY NINJA GODBLESS YOU MY BROTHER Wagenge GODBLESS”