Kid Kora, a former founding member of the celebrated Gengetone, Genge, and hip hop group The Kansoul somewhat broke the internet after going all out to speak about how his former “brothers” in the music industry did him dirty.
Kora opening up brewed a lot of curiosity in the eyes of The Kansoul’s fans who wanted to know more about what might have happened between the three of them.
Mejja opened up a little bit in his past interview about what really transpired about the group members calling out Kid Kora for being an outright liar but his recent interview might have explained better without any reasonable doubt what exactly happened.
Mejja answers Kid Kora, says he is flat out lying
Out of the respect he has for Kid Kora’s mother, Mejja withheld some crucial information about what exactly happened because he respects Kid Kora’s mother for her big heart and always welcoming him with open arms as she would her own son.
Mejja said he doesn’t want to directly respond to Kid Kora because he’s the type of person who would prefer going back and forth and that’s not what he’s ready for.

Mejja says what Kid Kora is going through is nothing but bitterness.
He said that Kid Kora was actually the first person to open up his personal YouTube channel way before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. He wishes him the best though.
“I was so surprised, it got me off guard, I don’t want to respond to him because he is the type of person who would want us to go back and forth on this matter.
All I can say is, it is bitterness. Between me and him, God knows the truth.” Mejja said.
He went on to add, “Before Corona, he was the first person to launch his own YouTube account two years ago, The Kansoul was to break up that time.
I don’t want to speak a lot because I respect his mother, she welcomed me, and I don’t want to be among the people talking bad. I wish him the best.”