Maureen Kunga before and after weight loss

Maureen Kunga talks about losing 16 Kilograms, “it hasn’t been easy”

5 mins read

Maureen Kunga who is a member of the phenomenal music group, Elani and an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya just opened up about her weight loss journey and how it has not been easy for her in the recent years.

Apparently, Maureen Kunga had self-esteem issues and was ashamed of her body, something that would come as a shock to many people because she was considered as one of the beautiful women entertainers in Kenya.

Maureen Kunga. photo credit: Instagram/maureenkunga
Maureen Kunga. photo credit: Instagram/maureenkunga

“Maybe because I was truly embarrassed and ashamed to be so heavy. I tried and failed, used horrible “quick-result” methods of weight loss that never stuck. I broke myself down in my mind and could not see myself as anything other than a “fat girl” Maureen Kunga said in part about being somewhat ashamed of herself for having put on weight.

Maureen Kunga. photo credit: Instagram/maureenkunga
Maureen Kunga. photo credit: Instagram/maureenkunga

Maureen has now opened her own YouTube channel to help other women feel confident about themselves and help them loose weight in a healthy way the way she did wrote a tell-all rather long post on social media to open up about her weight loss journey, I am sure her story will inspire a lot of women out there.

Maureen Kunga. photo credit: Instagram/maureenkunga
Maureen Kunga. photo credit: Instagram/maureenkunga

This is what she wrote on her social media account.

Long. Long. Truthful. Post.

This is both a very scary thing to do and something that is giving me so much pride today. I achieved something I had never thought possible and I’m proud of myself for it. For years, my weight was a genuine cause of pain – something I never openly discussed, maybe because of fear of insult, maybe because it was truly something that I thought I would never be able to overcome. Maybe because I was truly embarrassed and ashamed to be so heavy. I tried and failed, used horrible “quick-result” methods of weight loss that never stuck. I broke myself down in my mind and could not see myself as anything other than a “fat girl”. I destroyed my own self esteem. But in 2016 I made the decision that I would stop punishing myself and I would give myself permission to take my weight-loss into my own hands and find something I can commit to. And here we are! 16kgs (and a few to go), and a whole lot of self esteem later, I am happy, and I am proud. The entire video explaining my journey to health is in the link in my bio. I would love it if you would watch it and we can compare notes and discuss our experiences. Then subscribe to my brand new YouTube channel(!!!!) and let’s find a sustainable way to health together! (Side Note: I was VERY shocked when I saw a TBT of the old picture on the internet. I immediately went to find that dress, wore it, and had to hold it taut behind me for it to look normal. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so proud of myself, and that green dress represents a lot for me now)

Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Nothing is for everybody. This was for me, and I would love to create a platform where we can all know that beauty is DEFINITELY not skin deep! It took me chasing a healthy lifestyle to truly learn that♥♥♥ And I would like to wish myself a happy birthday and pat myself on the back. Because I did a good thing for myself.

Watch the video below where she opens up about her weight loss and why she’s happy she lost 16 kilograms through dedication, hard work and inspiration to be a better person.