“Margaret Kenyatta Job Was To Babysit Netanyahu’s Wife When Israeli PM Visited Kenya.” Njoki Chege Strips The First Lady Revealing How She’s Wasting Her Brains Playing Ornamental Role

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Njoki Chege’s has spit her venom on the First Lady in her article dubbed “CITY GIRL: Being a politician’s wife is thankless, useless role” which was published on Friday 8th july 2016 on her column on Daily Nation.

In her article, Njoki said politicians’ wives, including First Lady, were wasting their brains to serve at the pleasure of their husbands.

Njoki went on to reveal that Margaret Kenyatta’s role was to babysit the wife of Israeli Prime Minister as their husband engaged in bilateral talks.

“Your brains are wasted. Your lustrous degree from the UK is useless and, suddenly, you are reduced to kissing and holding urine-smelling babies and keeping Sara Netanyahu busy as your husbands hold bilateral talks.

I wonder what the two first ladies did during the two days Netanyahu was around. Did they have mani-pedis and massages as they exchanged notes on how to cope with the boredom?

You pretend you love those akina mama gatherings while you really should be closing deals in heels in an air conditioned boardroom. You are thrust into the limelight, attending funerals of people you don’t know or care about because you are the mama wa constituency. No wonder former First Lady Lucy Kibaki (God rest her soul) resorted to her antics, slapping anything and anyone on her way. It was because she was bored and frustrated and had nothing better to do with her life. There, I said it.” Wrote Njoki in part.

Njoki even discredited the work done by the First Lady in championing causes to help women and children saying the job was handed to the First Lady to keep her busy as the president runs the country.

“Unless you are some rural girl with a basic secretarial course married to a politician, the job of First Lady is utterly demeaning to a woman with a purpose in life. As the wife of a mheshimiwa, as a First Lady, you are not remembered for being a woman that did something with her life. You are remembered as the wife of a man who did something with his life. And when history is written, they will mention your name in passing and focus on your husband, that man you sacrificed so much for.

You see, when you are a First Lady, your role is ornamental, not functional. You are there to be seen and not heard. You are judged harshly by society for pursuing your own career because they think you should be supporting your husband. So you are reduced to an unimpressive life, pursuing “causes” in between fending off pretty young things (PYTs) from your husband.

Don’t give me that nonsense that First Ladies are ‘doing a good job’ by championing causes that help women and children. That is drivel. Don’t for a moment be misled to think that the cause is “humanitarian”, it is just a toy, a plaything that she has been handed to keep her busy as her husband runs the country, the same way you give your four-year-old a tablet to play childish games with as you go on with your serious work.” [sic]