Man Found Feasting on Neighbour’s Wife’s Forbidden Fruits

2 mins read

Is the world ending? Ma ma mia! The things unfaithful married spouses are doing with each other and to each other in the name of love… Eeh lust is shocking! Especially as we have come to expect virtue and chaste qualities from the religion that predominates in the video. Clearly, the offending parties did not care about the repercussions of their actions considering the high price to pay for infidelity in this culture.

This man was found neck deep in the throes of lust-making by his neighbours and the cuckold. This video which was recorded in either Tanzania or the Kenyan coast shows the man being accosted by the angry neighbours and the cuckold. The man looked repentant but the wife was non-plussed even to the point of attacking her husband with a projectile.

The man looked terrified and was pleading for his life… Hmm. Maybe he must have been having nightmares of the gang-rape on social media that did the rounds on social media late last year. He fit the profile to a tee. Naked man check, cuckolding another man in his home, check, angry men present, check. That’s why he looked like he was so shitting bricks the whole video. Death must have been the last thing on his mind. That gang-rape was the horror playing and replaying on his mind.

But wasn’t this individual one lucky fella.  His neighbours calmed the husband down and the offender left unmolested. And please don’t start me on the wife. Divorce pap! I don’t think most men would have allowed that man to leave the room unmolested, would you?


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