Lillian Muli has had a rather hot and cold spell with social media users, I being one of them. From the adulation of adoring fans to the hate of an unappreciative audience she divides opinion.

I think her biggest problem with the people who see her on the screens every day is the disconnect between her on-screen personality and the one that is seen off-screen.But how has she been able to deal with this confluence of both negativity and positivity?

The screen siren opened up about the social media negativity and cyberbullying during an appearance on Robert Burale’s show – RB Live Show. On how she deals with the hostility from some quarters on social media she said:
“I have learnt not to take things to heart. Not to look at the world as a negative place. When people attack you, most of the time they are probably going through their own struggles and that’s why they choose to attack you. I don’t have a thick skin. Just like any other person, my heart bleeds as well. I have very low moments but I have learnt to keep myself busy and try to focus on positive things in life.”
Lillian Muli also opened up about what she regrets most and what she has done to rectify some of those mistakes. She mused:
“I have made countless mistakes, but now I’m very careful so that I don’t repeat [them]. Trusting too much, surrounded by the wrong people, not able to tell real friends from fake [ones]. Sharing personal information with friends who later talk behind your back and criticise you.”
In another candid aside she spoke about some of the most hurtful things she has had said about herself. She elaborated:
“The most painful and humiliating thing I have ever heard or seen on social media is that ‘Lillian lives a certain lifestyle because it has been given to her by a certain class of people’. We work hard and have side hustles. I have worked hard for everything that belongs to me and my son. So when people spin this narrative, it does get to you, but again at the end of the day, I know who I am.”
There you have it, people. Lillian Muli hurts like you and me, bleeds red like the rest of us.