Woman claiming to be pregnant with Willy Paul's baby arrested
Dee Ruth and Willy Paul. Photo credit: Biggestkaka

Woman claiming to be pregnant with Willy Paul’s baby arrested

2 mins read

Dee Ruth made waves a week ago when she publicly came out claiming Willy Paul impregnated her after a one-night stand.

The young woman revealed on Tik Tok that Willy Paul blocked her on all social media platforms after she asked him to take responsibility for impregnating her.

Woman accuses Willy Paul of neglect after impregnating her

Well, Willy Paul on Monday February 15th decided to report Dee Ruth to Central Police Station in Nairobi for denting his reputation.

Police put down the offence on the occurrence book as “defamation” and ultimately arrested Dee Ruth the same day.

The lass was arrested at TRM and taken to Central Police Station  where she was locked for the better part of the day before being released.

Speaking of her arrest during an interview with Word Is, Dee Ruth said that;

“The arrest started as a set-up. I was told to go for an Interview in one of the leading TV stations for a lifestyle show. I trusted them, so when I went for shooting at TRM, that’s where I was arrested. Willy Paul was not with the police, he came later at the station. They wanted cash bail, I didn’t have money, so I don’t know why I was released because it got to a point I was released.”

Willy Paul on the other hand says he decided to report Dee Ruth to the police because he wanted to clear his name.

“At the station, the girl mentioned everyone that sent her to ruin my name. It is some upcoming producers,” said Willy Paul.