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#KyaloChronicles:Why You Should Keep Your “New Bae” Off Social Media For At Least 6months

3 mins read

Embarking a new relationship is similar to getting the keys to a new car. Well, without the pending car payment, need for fuel, and worry your friend is going to spill their Caramel Latte on your fresh leather seats.

It is similar in a sense that you want to slay everyone Beyonce style and show off the new love in your life.

The analogy works except new boyfriends and girlfriends can break down sooner than the latest model luxury vehicle.

The six-month mark is equal to a fork in the road. Jitters and nerves have gone away. You are now forced with making a decision. Turn right and you are committing to what could be a promising future.

Turn left and you are choosing to remain friends with a possible revisitation of a relationship down the road. You have six months to pretend, wine and dine, movie dates and maybe an out of town trip.

At some point, things must evolve. If you don’t enjoy their company now, that probably won’t change in six more months. This is a major reason why privacy is vital. It allows you to shift course without much public explanation. Time may be wasted but egos and feelings may be saved.

Think of your new love connection as a new-born baby. The auntie with the smokers breath and dirty coat doesn’t stand a chance holding your baby. What about the neighbor you don’t like too much, any chance she holds your newborn? Not any minute you’d let them do it

Your newborn baby is precious. Not just because of their soft hair and good smelling skin but more so because they are still developing. The same applies to new relationships.

Have you ever read the comments on a celebrities status of them and a new bae? It can be harsh, deafening with hate and shade. Furthermore, “it goes down in the dm” for many new couples.

Social media is no stranger to the comeback, seeing an old flame with a new buddy and you run the comeback play. DM message, like a few photos, comment with some heart and a nail painting emojis. The old flame would never prowl if they weren’t privy to your information. You wouldn’t have so many enemies if you stopped sharing all your business with your friends and followers.

Wrap up the tender relationship you have. Change the settings on your connection to private and not public sharing. You don’t need likes to find love and surely don’t need new followers for friends.

Social media is dope, but we must resist its magnetic pull on the areas of our life not yet ready for its power.


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