I don’t know if you’ve heard about Kwame?
Well, if you haven’t I know for sure you are not living on planet earth or maybe, just maybe you are not a music enthusiast or just let me make it simpler for you, you are not a music lover which leaves me to label you a zombie because they(zombies) don’t have tastes in music let alone listen to it.

Kwame is an artiste that you really need to get to know and by getting to know I mean by having lots if not all of his music in your gadgets because as I said earlier, his music is utterly priceless and timeless and nobody can argue that to be a fact.
I can sure bet that in the next few decades I will be listening to Kwame’s music even when -God forbid- I will be on my granny diapers and I’ve lost my teeth.
I must admit, not everybody knows who this young talented artiste is and granted, I might have been a little harsh earlier but Lawd! Kwame is so d*mn good that I obviously assumed everybody knew him and thought they ought to know him if they didn’t know him(a belief that I still own up to by the way).

The song that can’t seem to get out of my head for the past few days so far is ‘Aki Wewe’ that always makes my day, night, evening even my mid-nights a little calm and revitalizing.
Listen to ‘Aki Wewe’ and feel the way I do because something this good ought to be shared and passed across and that’s what am doing now, sharing.
Just listen to this awesome track ‘Aki Wewe’ by Kwame and be mesmerized as I am.