KRG the Don and Pastor Kanyari. Photos/Courtesy

KRG asks Christians to reject Pastor Kanyari following condoms in church scandal 

2 mins read

KRG the Don has weighed in on the recent controversy surrounding Pastor Victor Kanyari’s conduct on the TikTok platform, denouncing what he perceives as the misuse of Christianity for personal gain.

Kanyari sparked widespread criticism after a bizarre incident occurred in his church, where a female TikToker presented him with condoms on the pulpit. This event has reignited discussions about the boundaries of religious practice and the responsibility of leaders within the faith.

According to KRG, Kanyari has overstepped the line by using Christianity as a vehicle for soliciting kickbacks, tarnishing the image of the faith in the process.

He expressed concern over a trend he sees of certain pastors trivializing Christianity, emphasizing that while the religion itself is not flawed, there are individuals who exploit their positions of authority.

“Some pastors make Christianity seem like a joke sometimes. Let’s reject such pastors in our churches,” KRG urged.

He reiterated the importance of upholding the sanctity of the pulpit and the need for religious leaders to exercise discernment in their actions.

KRG emphasized that while God and Christianity are worthy of respect, fraudulent individuals must be held accountable for their actions.

KRG’s remarks echo sentiments expressed by fellow artist Nadia Mukami, who also criticized Pastor Kanyari for his behavior. Mukami emphasized the need for boundaries and respect within religious settings, urging Kanyari to differentiate between serving God and seeking attention on social media platforms.

The incident involving Pastor Kanyari, where he received unconventional gifts during a church service, has raised questions about the appropriate conduct of religious leaders, especially in the age of social media.

While Kanyari claims to be spreading the gospel to a younger audience on TikTok, his actions have sparked controversy and drawn condemnation from various quarters.

Related: Pastor Kanyari bans church members from TikTok even as he remains on the platform