KOT roasts Kathy Kiuna after she promises her followers cars before end of December

1 min read

Reverend Kathy Kiuna was on the receiving end of KOT’s wrath thanks to her tweet. Kenyans on Twitter suspected that Kiuna’s tweet was a call for people to give more tithe.

The preacher took to twitter to promise her followers that they would be driving their own cars before the end of December.

“Before the end of December, you shall be driving your own car in Jesus Name! #40DaysOfGlory,” Kathy Kiuna tweeted.

KOT quickly started trolling Kiuna following her tweet. Some people wanted her to be more specific about the December she referred to.

Critics pointed out that preachers like to use indefinite time frame to make promises to their followers so that people can’t pin them down.

Below are some of the tweets from KOT:


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