Lucy Gatimu openly asked for help from Twitter user; @OsamaOtero who called her names and shut her down. Osama Otero had tweeted about everyone helping out needy school children, Ms. Lucy Gatimu has two daughters who she's raising alone. Photo credit: Facebook
Lucy Gatimu openly asked for help from Twitter user; @OsamaOtero who called her names and shut her down. Osama Otero had tweeted about everyone helping out needy school children, Ms. Lucy Gatimu has two daughters who she's raising alone. Photo credit: Facebook

KOT comes in Lucy Gatimu’s rescue after twitter user bullied her

10 mins read

Kenyan On Twitter(KOT) is currently on Lucy Gatimu’s side trying to defend her one member of the KOT using Osama Otero username called her out for asking for help through his thread.

Osama Otero took to social media to urge his followers to spare as little as 600 Ksh(6 USD) to help out a kid, any school kid to help them buy shoes or bags.

“Manze joh najua most of us wenye tuko twitter we can easily afford some few 600bob. Ukiwahi spot mtoi mdogo wa primo hana viatu ama bag mzuri ya shule, Just do the magic. Esp kama wewe ni mlevi. Imagine mzinga moja ya black and white can really change kids perception about life?” Osama Otero tweeted.

Ms Gatimu then took to Otero’s comment section and asked him to start by helping her out because she’s currently in need and wants any help she can get.

“start with me niko na my two girls wako shule na nahitaji extra uniform niache kufua kila siku please” she urged Otero who flipped after reading her tweet.

Otero who has over 63,000 followers on Twitter, in response, told her to sell the phone she was using to tweet and buy the kids the spare uniform, then buy a cheaper phone with the balance.
Gatimu, seemingly hurt by the response, apologized if her request had angered Otero saying she had no bad intentions “by asking for help.”

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“Woi sikua na ubaya I was just requesting am sorry kaa nimekuudhi by asking for help” Ms Lucy Gatimu apologized.

Osama Otero didn’t want to listen to Ms Gatimu’s apology even for one bit and went on to tell her to “tumia akili shenz type”, which loosely translates to “use your brain stupid”.

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KOT being KOT, they didn’t spare words to Osama Otero who has since apologized and Twitter users like @waithera_jk came forth to seek fellow KOT to help out Lucy Gatimu in any way they can so that she can afford to buy her two daughters school uniform.

“my heart truly breaks for Lucy Gatimu cause she didn’t deserve such humiliation.

kindness is not just words but actions & charity begins at home. Her two girls need a school uniform. That’s all she asked for. Together we can make it happen.

Lucy Gatimu – 0718915672”

@waithera_jk tweeted sharing the thread that has the entire KOT on Lucy Gatimu’s side.

Kenyans on Twitter reactions