former gospel artiste now secular artise Kim Danny

Kim Danny: I quit gospel music because it’s filled with hate and politics

2 mins read

KimDanny made his name in the music industry as a gospel artiste and he has been able to release numerous gospel records over the years.

KimDanny has decided to turn off a new leaf and start doing secular music but still maintains that he is a Christian even though he will be doing secular music, he will also be releasing gospel music once in a while.

Speaking with Mzazi Willy M. Tuva, KimDanny said that he will still be releasing motivational music but he is now a secular artiste.

KimDanny. photo credit: Instagram/kimdannykenya
KimDanny. photo credit: Instagram/kimdannykenya

“haha siwezi, statement ambayo nitasema kiukweli nafanya nyimbo Christian ama non Christian zote ambazo nitafanya lakini gospel sitaki kujiweka kwenye kiwango fulani ambayo nafanya gospel, kwa saa hii sitarekodi nyimbo yoyote ya gospel, kwa muda fulani yaani,” answered Mzazi Willy M. Tuva’s question of whether he is done completely releasing gospel music

KimDanny opened up to Mzazi and told him that the reason why he opted not to do gospel music anymore after speaking with close friends and family was that he realized that there’s no support and love in the industry.

The gospel artiste also opened up to say that the gospel music industry is festered with so much hate and politics and that it will take time for the industry to rid off all the politics in the gospel music industry and make it conducive to everybody in the industry.

KimDanny has released records like ‘Nina Imani’, ‘Tulia Mungu Yupo’, ‘Wacha NIkwambie’, ‘Niko Salama’, ‘Nimeshinda’ and ‘Ajabu’ in the four years he has been in the gospel music industry.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.