Khaligraph Jones posng with his Afrimma Award for the best rap act Africa in Dallas, Texas. photo credit Instagramarrowbwoy

Khaligraph Jones wins at the Afrimma Awards in Dallas, Texas

2 mins read

Khaligraph Jones who landed in Dallas, Texas in October 4th for the coveted Afrimma(African Muzik Magazine Awards) Awards which ideally is a platform where appreciates African musicians which is the sole award ceremony in Diaspora that caters to all musical genres including but not limited to Afrobeats, Assiko, Bongo, Decale, Funana, Genge, Highlife, Kwaito, Lingala and Soukous.

Khaligraph Jones was seated next to his fellow countryman, Arrow Bwoy who was also nominated for the “Best Newcomer” category at the Awards ceremony that was held on Sunday 7th October at The House of Blues Dallas, Texas.

Khaligraph Jones posng with his Afrimma Award for the best rap act Africa in Dallas, Texas. photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones
Khaligraph Jones posng with his Afrimma Award for the best rap act Africa in Dallas, Texas. photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones

In the two categories where Khaligraph Jones was nominated, “best male East Africa” and “best rap act Africa”, Khaligraph Jones emerged the winner for the “best rap act Africa”  just like he promised he would a few weeks earlier.

However, the “best male East Africa” was taken by Ugandan Eddy Kenzo, we are still happy and proud of the OG Papa Jones for bagging the “best rap act Africa”.

Khaligraph Jones posng with his Afrimma Award for the best rap act Africa in Dallas, Texas. photo credit: Instagram/arrowbwoy
Khaligraph Jones posng with his Afrimma Award for the best rap act Africa in Dallas, Texas. photo credit: Instagram/arrowbwoy

Khaligraph Jones has not only become the first Kenyan rapper to win the award but the first East African rapper to win the “best rap act Africa” from annual Afrimma Awards.



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GLORY BE TO GOD.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 #afrimma2018 #bestRapactAfrica

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I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.