Khaligraph Jones with Senator Isaac Mwaura

Khaligraph Jones set to headline Mr and Miss Albinism East Africa

1 min read

Khaligraph Jones is by now one of the sought after rappers not only in the country but also across the entire east African region and it seems everybody wants a piece of him, either by doing a record with him, some by dissing him and others like  Senator Isaac Mwaura who wants to cut a cheque for the Kayole born and bred rapper.

Khaligraph Jones recently met up with the Senator in his office where they talked about his performance for the upcoming Mr and Miss Albinism East Africa which will see him headline the show.

Taking to Instagram, Khaligraph Jones confirmed that indeed he will be performing at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre(K.I.C.C) slotted to be on 30th this month.

Khaligraph Jones With Senator Isaac Mwaura at his office talking about the upcoming The Mr and Miss Albinism East Africa slotted to be at KICC. photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones
Khaligraph Jones With Senator Isaac Mwaura at his office talking about the upcoming The Mr and Miss Albinism East Africa slotted to be at KICC. photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones

“With Senator Isaac Mwaura getting ready for The Mr and Miss Albinism East Africa Happening on The 30th of this month at the KICC…” he wrote as he share a photo of himself with the Senator who happens to be albino in his office.



I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.