Khaligraph Jones sitting on the bonnet of a mercedes benz

Khaligraph Jones remembers the day he was booed off stage

3 mins read

Khaligraph Jones has come from far, both as a musician and also as a person, he was born in an underprivileged community(Kayole) where people are not supposed to make it in life but he made something out of himself and as fate would have it, he is one of the biggest rappers not only Kenya is proud of but the entire African region.

The award-winning rapper who continues to make Kenya proud through his music has never shied away to tell the world about his background and how he had it rough coming up, performing for people who honestly didn’t care what he was doing on stage.

See also: Khaligraph and former P Square singer Paul Okoye release video for their Coke Studio song ‘Tonight’

Khaligraph Jones allegedly started performing for live revelers when he was just 16 years old and by then he was not as known as he is known today where fans would literally line up and pay a hefty fee to watch him perform.

In 2012 as Khaligraph Jones who is a fluent English rapper remembers in retrospect, he was actually booed off stage when he was performing some of his songs, apparently, people didn’t give him a chance to prove himself to them, that didn’t faze him up though, he kept on pushing and today he is one of the most sought after rappers Kenya has ever been proud of.

Khaligraph Jones performing in front of a stage of revelers who were not "feeling" him back in 2012 who apparently booed him off stage, that didn't faze him, he worked even harder to become one of the most sought after rappers Kenya has ever seen thus far. photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones
Khaligraph Jones performing in front of a stage of revelers who were not “feeling” him back in 2012 who apparently booed him off stage, that didn’t faze him, he worked even harder to become one of the most sought after rappers Kenya has ever seen thus far. photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones

“This is around 2012, The Night I was Booed off stage cause The crowd didn’t believe that a Kenyan Rapper could rap so Good, They thought I was performing Eminem and Jay-z Songs smh, The OG shall be respected,” Khaligraph Jones wrote on a caption of a picture he shared when he was young, back in the day.


I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.