Khaligraph Jones. Photo/Courtesy

Khaligraph Jones reflects on his time in jail, advises young people to steer clear of crime

3 mins read

In a heartfelt message resonating from his own life’s trials, Khaligraph Jones, the celebrated rapper, has issued a poignant plea to young people, urging them to avoid paths that may lead them astray from the law.

Drawing from his own experiences, Khaligraph emphasized the importance of steering clear of criminal activities, particularly for those still residing in the ghetto.

Reflecting on his past, the artist lamented the consequences of his own actions, expressing regret for a period in his life that led him to prison.

“Another day to remind you that if you are still in the ghetto, avoid any situation that will bring you here, 2012 still feels like yesterday, you are not going back because of ego, let it stay, keep your head up young ghetto,” Khaligraph shared on Instagram, urging caution and wisdom in decision-making.

His counsel comes in the wake of recent events, notably the case of Ian Njoroge, whose altercation with a police officer was captured on camera. Khaligraph, known for his advocacy against crime among the youth, seizes every opportunity to impart wisdom and guidance.

Reflecting on his own struggles, Khaligraph revealed how adversity nearly led him to quit music, recounting the challenging period of 2011 and 2012. Amidst personal losses and difficulties, he contemplated drastic career changes, even considering becoming a bouncer in Malindi due to the lack of progress in his music career.

“Those events and the death of my father left me. I didn’t have the necessary qualifications in education. My plan was to go to Malindi and become a bouncer, just looking for a job hoping that maybe God would make a way for me. My sister was staying in Malindi with part of my family. I just wanted going there, because music… I was just rapping and it wasn’t working. I was also doing it for love, I wasn’t waiting to get paid but nothing was happening in my life,” he shared, highlighting the depth of his struggles and the determination required to overcome them.

In his ongoing mission to inspire and guide young people, Khaligraph Jones serves as a beacon of hope, reminding others that despite adversity, perseverance and wise choices can pave the way to a brighter future.

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