King Kaka and Khaligraph Jones merged photo

Khaligraph Jones offers his services to King Kaka as his bodyguard

2 mins read

King Kaka stirred up the entire country, by that I mean Kenya entire after he released his fourth single off his upcoming mixtape dubbed ‘The Servant & The King’ which gets anticipated every time he released a single off the project.

After releasing the song, King Kaka has visited the DCI(Directorate of Criminal Investigation) Kenya offices, lawsuit has been laid against him by the sitting Kirinyaga Governor, Anne Waiguru which has saw the top Kenyan lawyers come forth to defend him pro bono.

The country seems to be on King Kaka’s side especially after he released the ‘Wajinga Nyinyi’ song and seems everything looks like it has been taken of, one Khaligraph Jones offered his services as his bodyguard anytime should he need it since he has been spending most of time in the studio when he’s not in the studio cooking some hit rap records.

“Gathee Naona Ushapata support from lawyers, Human rights Activists, keyboard warriors, Politicians etc imebaki tu security, sai Niko gym, Ntakuchunga 24hrs for the Next 2 weeks for free, Just let me know when you Need me for that.” Khaligraph Jones wrote as he shared King Kaka’s picture on his Instagram post.

King Kaka’s song ‘Wajinga Nyinyi’ has been trending at number 1 on YouTube since its official release 5 days straight with over 1.9 million views which makes the song one of the best performing songs released by King Kaka on his musical career thus far.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.