Khaligraph Jones is the first East African rapper in history to not only call out the entire West African rappers but the entire South African rappers. The OG apparently isn't afraid of smoke that comes from calling out rappers. He has finally opened up about the major problem he has with South African rappers thus far. Photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones
Khaligraph Jones is the first East African rapper in history to not only call out the entire West African rappers but the entire South African rappers. The OG apparently isn't afraid of smoke that comes from calling out rappers. He has finally opened up about the major problem he has with South African rappers thus far. Photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones

Khaligraph Jones explains his major problem with South Africans rappers

6 mins read

A couple of weeks ago, Khaligraph Jones was the talk of both East Africa and West African fronts thanks to his public beef with Nigerian rapper, Blaqbonez who called him out without fear of provoking the OG.

Well, Blaqbonez got the attention of the OG alright, Khaligraph Jones replied to him on a track calling out not only Blaqbonez but the entire West African rappers but also the South.

Currently working on his sophomore studio album, Khaligraph Jones who will soon travel to Ghana to shoot a music video with Sarkodie in Ghana called out South Africans on his record saying that he’s coming for them when he’s done with Blaqbonez and West rappers entirely.

See Khaligraph Jones explaining what he meant by taking over South Africa rap scene

Now that you know why Khaligraph Jones called out South African rappers, let’s tell you why he has a problem with the mainstream rappers from the South.

“I mean exactly to take over, East Africa has something to say. I say that because, a lot of times, first of all, we have to acknowledge the fact that the South is as far as African hip hop goes, the South has always been very vocal.”

Khaligraph Jones agreeing that the South has been always vocal when it comes to hip hop in Africa speaking with Martin Kimathi

Explaining that he’s not coming from a bad place calling out the South African rappers, Khaligraph Jones went on to talk about how he has been snubbed with the most established rappers from there who he wanted to work with on his project despite following the correct channels since he’s a professional artiste, he knows the unwritten rules and regulations of reaching out to a fellow artiste for a collabo.

Khaligraph Jones has been keen on making sure the entire African scene knows him since he believes he has already surpassed the plateau that he had set for himself in dominating the Kenyan rap scene. Khaligraph Jones wants to be as big in South Africa as he is big in Kenya and East African region. Photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones
Khaligraph Jones has been keen on making sure the entire African scene knows him since he believes he has already surpassed the plateau that he had set for himself in dominating the Kenyan rap scene. Khaligraph Jones wants to be as big in South Africa as he is big in Kenya and East African region. Photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones

The problem that Khaligraph Jones has with South African rappers is that they don’t want to work with anybody else from other countries even if somebody reached out to them.

Khaligraph Jones didn’t mention names but he said that he reached out to the upper echelon rappers from South Africa and nothing came to be of it because he was taken round and round and didn’t get to work with any rapper from South Africa.

“But the issue that I have with the people from the South is, they don’t like working and collaborating with other rappers from the other countries and I tried getting a couple of this known a** n**gas you know for features and I am professional with music, I know the steps to follow.

There’s no way I can just decide to call Nasty C, ‘Nasty C, I want you in my song …’ Definitely there’s a certain procedure you have to follow, get the manager, blah blah blah but they’re going to take you round and round. Nobody has time for that sometimes you know. Sometimes real recognize real.

It’s bulls*it when you are trying to act as if you are on top and other people don’t even matter. My sentiments were based off those facts.

So, that’s what I said, I am coming down, I am coming to take over the South as well. and when I say “me” I didn’t only mean Khaligraph Jones but East Africa in general, we are about to take over this [expletive].” Khaligraph Jones said.

As it stands right now, Khaligraph Jones has in the recent past worked with established rappers from South Africa.

A couple of years ago, Khaligraph Jones was featured on a BigStar Johnson track together with Zoocci Coke Dope and award-winning YoungstaCPT.

So it’s safe to say that even though he has issues with South African rappers, clearly it’s not every other rapper from South Africa because he has a catalog of working with some of the best rappers from the South.

So far no South African rapper has come forth to call out and/or answer Khaligraph Jones allegations of them being biased in working with other rappers from different African countries.