Khaligraph Jones accepts challenge to drop a reggae song

1 min read

Hip hop star Khaligraph Jones has been challenged to drop a reggae song, the rapper gladly accepted the challenge and vowed to do his best.

It all started as a joke on Twitter, a certain Charles Wahinya initiated the challenge when he asked Khaligraph how many retweets he needed to know that his fans were eager to see him drop a reggae song.

“How many retweets utoe ngoma ya Reggae?” Charles Wahinya asked Khaligraph.

To which he promptly replied;

“Haha 2000”.


Charles Wahinya quickly marshaled tweeps to retweet his tweet to reach the 2000 retweets that Khaligraph needed to drop a reggae song.

He attained the 2000 retweets and went back to tell the rapper to keep his side of the bargain. Khaligraph vowed that he will surely drop a reggae song.

“Haha, Raggae song Coming soon, The OG shall be Respected,” wrote Khaligraph Jones.