Khaligraph Jones. PHOTO/Instagram (@khaligraph_jones).

Khaligraph Jones painfully explains why most gospel artistes turned down his request to work with them

2 mins read

Rapper Khaligraph Jones laments that most gospel artistes in Kenyan have given him the cold shoulder as they don’t want to work with him.

The secular rapper, who released a gospel praise song ‘Sifu Bwana’ in January 2022, has been seeking to work with gospel musicians in vain.

Khaligraph spoke about his predicament during a recent interview with Mzazi Willy M Tuva on Mseto East Africa show on Radio Citizen.

He revealed that most gospel musicians he approached didn’t want to work with him because they fear public backlash.

“I have approached several gospel musicians, but I don’t blame them; they say when they collabo with me, they feel as though they will be criticised,” Khaligraph said.

“I understand them. There are some people who I used to talk to on the phone, and they kept telling me they are terrified of what others will say,” he added.

Khaligraph revealed that some musician promised to call him back only for him never to hear from them again.

“Someone told me, ‘I’ll call you in a few minutes, let me follow up.’ Someone says to you, “Bro, I want to be a part of this song, but I’m afraid of singing it with you because there will be backlash, people will start saying I started singing with a secular artiste.’ I understood them,” he said.

Khaligraph explained that ‘Sifu Bwana’ was inspired by his devout Christian family. The rapper’s mother is a pastor.

“Those who have been following me keenly know that I come from a prayerful background. My mother, a church minister, has been my biggest inspiration.”

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