Kenyans online expressed their anger on the recent wave of the government in dealing with disasters and corruption scandals that have been befalling the good citizens of this nation. In a Facebook post which elicited a lot of mixed reactions one Facebook user who goes by the name Onyinkwa Onyakundi lamented.
In part his post read; “we train hundreds of doctors here at a huge expense to our weak economy leave them tarmacking and start importing doctors from Cuba that we pay twice the cash we pay our own”
This has baffled many Kenyans as many think it’s a mockery to graduates who sacrifice a lot and go through med school knowing they will get employed only for doctors to be imported. The reaction and emotions of the comments on his post were lit many think we are living in a banana republic.’
Onyakundi’s post goes further to talk about how the government dealt with the recent Fly Sax plane crash, the rape incident at Moi Girls School Nairobi and how the Kenya meat commission has been mismanaged to its knees.
He concludes his enlightening post by asking “are we all the nuts in our heads screwed right and tight?”
His post was share a dozen times and the comments from his followers could not agree more with his concern on how the government’s approach on the issues facing Kenyan’s daily.
In the recent past corruption scandals have been on the rise with billions of taxpayers’ money ending up in the bank accounts of the wrong people in the wrong ways for all the wrong reasons.
Are we living in George Orwell’s animal farm?