Thanks to Azziad Nasenya, the 'Utaweza Challenge' has gone viral with most Kenyans on Twitter loving the her and the Femi One, Mejja's song even more.

Kenyans come together to defend Azziad Nasenya from trolls

17 mins read

For most of you who were sleeping while the woke Kenyans on Twitter were having the best time of their lives yesterday at night with the hashtag, #UtawezanaChallenge, I pity you because you lost some of the best memorable hashtags that won’t ever be forgotten.

You are in luck though, you can still follow up on the link below

The ‘Utawezana Challenge’ has taken over the internet by storm

That being said, there was one beautiful woman who stole the show and became the face of the Femi One and Mejja’s song ‘Utawezana’ that is currently trending in the country and the most streamed song in the country.

The mentioned woman who stole the show with her dance moves and an alluring perfect smile is none other than Azziad Nasenya.

Azziad Nasenya becomes the most treasured and protected person on social media, especially on Twitter. Photo credit: Twitter/AzziadNasenya

The talented dancer and an ardent user of Tik Tok brought all Kenyans together yesterday through her dance moves and infectious smile and made most netizen sleep well at night yesterday.

This time around though, most KOT(Kenyans on Twitter) were not up for other users trolling her on Twitter with insecure trolls calling her names for no apparent reasons.

Kenyans on Twitter came together to stand behind her with a hashtag, #IstandWithAzziad that is currently trending since early in the morning to help fight the trolls off her back.

Azziad Nasenya is the most protected person on Twitter by far and through it all, she remains humble and continues to dance and entertain her fans on social media.

And just like that, Azziad Nasenya is a darling to all Kenyans.

Below are the Kenyans who have come together to stand beside her to fight off her trolls on social media and protect her honor.


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