Kenyan protester smokes tear gas from canister thrown at him during anti-Finance Bill protests in Nyeri on June 25, 2024. Photo/Screengrab

Andrew Tate among global icons discussing Kenyan protester who smoked tear gas from a canister 

2 mins read

In a surreal turn of events, a Kenyan protester has garnered international fame for smoking tear gas from a canister thrown by anti-riot police during the #RejectFinanceBill2024 protests on June 25, 2024.

The unprecedented act has been widely covered by global news outlets and sparked discussions across social media platforms.

The incident occurred when police deployed tear gas to disperse protesters in Nyeri.

One bold protester caught a canister and, in a bizarre display, smoked it like a vape, even sharing it with another protester.

The young man can be heard jokingly requesting a canister with a strawberry flavor.

This unique act has made him the first known person to smoke tear gas, earning him instant international recognition.

Major news outlets in the US and the UK have reported on his daring stunt, with notable figures such as Piers Morgan discussing it on his show.

Controversial American-British social media personality Andrew Tate also commented on the incident.

“White women will encourage this guy to be allowed into their country for diversity and think their pussy ass white boy husband can protect them from him when she realises she was wrong. Prob see him in London next week,” Tate wrote on X, his remarks stirring further debate online.

The protester’s act has become a symbol of the extreme and often dangerous measures some individuals are willing to take to voice their opposition.

The #RejectFinanceBill2024 protests have been marked by significant unrest and clashes with police, drawing both local and international attention to the socio-political tensions in Kenya.

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