Karen Nyamu and Samidoh
Karen Nyamu and Samidoh. Photo credit: Biggestkaka

Karen Nyamu breaks up with Samidoh

3 mins read

Karen Nyamu has ended her relationship with Samidoh.

After drinking soup and sobering up, Karen says it is time to break up from her lover. This comes after the two engaged in a ugly exchange in Dubai with Samidoh’s official wife marking her territory.

Samidoh had a show in Dubai where all the drama unfolded.

Karen Nyamu has opened up and shared reasons why she’s breaking up with Samidoh saying;

“Great and powerful women will attest that many times our weakest link is the men we get involved with. I am stopping the pattern. I have made a conscious decision to end for good my involvement with the father of my babies and now ex. @samidoh_muchoki”

“I know I could have called him and ended it quietly but I decided to make this as public as the dram and controversy has been.”

“This had become a concern especially with the position I hold as a member of the 4th Senate.”


“I am a good woman. A good person. I’m not the woman the bouncers were ordered to throw out of stage last night. I’m not the woman who has been busy proving points just to show that I’m not crazy and I’m actually with this person. I don’t love drama and I don’t wreck homes. I am however still open to finding a great co-wife in future.”

Karen Nyamu's break up note
Karen Nyamu’s break up note
Karen Nyamu's break up note
Karen Nyamu’s break up note

Karen does not have any regrets at all after last night’s madness in Dubai.

She says,“You know guys, I have no regrets from last night, I don’t wish I did things any different. I however promise you that it is the last time your girl will ever be involved in situations like that ever again.”

“I am very fortunate to be bestowed upon me the honor and responsibility of leadership in this country. To be a people’s representative in Parliament is an opportunity I treasure and take very seriously”

Do you think the break up is real?

Or is this a well scripted clout chase episode for these women and their lover, Samidoh?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own self?

Read Also:Winnie Odinga advises Karen Nyamu what to do with Samidoh’s balls