Listen to ‘Kamenona’ by Kavirondo Gang and Gabiro Mtu Necessary

2 mins read

Kavirondo Gang which comprises Kenyan rappers, Warlord Magwagwa and aspiring young lyricist Jogoo Dee who came together in late 2019 and joined forces to work on the first-ever Gengetone EP titled ‘042’ that consists of four tracks.

They have since managed to release two music videos out now on YouTube together with their new EP that was released today 24/03/2020 that consists of four amazing songs all produced at MGF Studios in Kisumu.

It is definitely a bright future for them to have gotten a chance to work with the Kisumu President, Gabiro Mtu Necessary who is a force to reckon with in the Western region of Kenya.

Gabiro the fourth of five siblings drew his earliest inspirations from the likes of Octopizzo, Sir Sina Peters, Khuli Chana, Juliani and a host of others.

He has steadily built a reputation for Kisumu’s best lyricist, and but also shares his personal struggles through his art.

From working as a matatu tout to battling drug abuse, Gabiro’s ability to tell stories separates him from rap music ‘status quo’.

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‘Kamenona’ is a Swahili word translating to thick or fat and in this context, it has been used to praise the beauty in African women.

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Have a listen to ‘Kamenona’ as written and performed by Kavirondo Gang(Warlord Magwagwa, Jogoo Dee) and Gabiro Mtu Necessary below.


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