The Democratic Party Presidential hopeful and the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya Justin Muturi has officially declared his net worth and the source of his wealth. Photo credit: Twitter/SpeakerJBMuturi
The Democratic Party Presidential hopeful and the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya Justin Muturi has officially declared his net worth and the source of his wealth. Photo credit: Twitter/SpeakerJBMuturi

Speaker Justin Muturi declares his net worth for the first time

2 mins read

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Kenya, Justin Muturi has finally opened up about his current net worth.

He also opened up about the source of his wealth and how long it took him to acquire his wealth.

Speaker JB Muturi declared his wealth is estimated to be worth Ksh. 300 million.

The Speaker opened up about his wealth through his online engagement with Kenyans #ChatWithJBMuturi where he answered a Kenyan netizen who asked him about his net worth and the source of his wealth.

Speaker Justin Muturi usually engage with Kenyans on social media under the viral #ChatWithJBMuturi where he gets to answer any and all questions Kenyans usually have for him. Photo credit: Twitter/SpeakerJBMuturi
Speaker Justin Muturi usually engage with Kenyans on social media under the viral #ChatWithJBMuturi where he gets to answer any and all questions Kenyans usually have for him. Photo credit: Twitter/SpeakerJBMuturi

Speaker J.B Muturi who has intentions of vying for Presidency explained that he acquired his wealth through bank loans and civil servant remuneration for 36 years adding that he supports a lifestyle audit on all leaders and explaining to all Kenyans how they acquired their money.

“I am worth Approx.Ksh.300M most of my property was acquired through bank loans and civil servant remuneration for 36 years.

I support a lifestyle audit on all leaders plus an explanation of how all their wealth was acquired and this should not be done in secret. #ChatWithJBMuturi,” Speaker J.B Muturi shared on Twitter.