Jovie Jovv is taking Kenyan rap and trap to the next level

Jovie Jovv drops his ‘Kibare kwa Face’ visuals

1 min read

Jovie Jovv has since become the King of hooks in the recent months working with the AD Family and the phenomenal rap group Timmy Blanco and he’s actually good at it.

It has been a while since we saw a record from him alone, the last official release he dropped on us was ‘Marijuana’ which featured Slim B, Cooli and Mvroe together with ‘THOT’ record together with Tokyo Sauce and none of these records are off his ‘Molly Heights’.

Also read: Stella Mwangi raps for American rapper, Jay Rock in hope of getting signed to T.D.E.

The ‘Kibare Kwa Face’ record which is produced by Ivan Odie is the first release of the year by Jovie Jovv with the visuals starting up with an excerpt of the infamous clap from Kidero to Shebesh.

Also read: Jovie Jovv releases debut project ‘Molly Heights’, stream it

Jovie Jovv: "Cheza na Jovie utakula kibare kwa FACE". photo credit: Instagram/joviejovv
Jovie Jovv: “Cheza na Jovie utakula kibare kwa FACE”. photo credit: Instagram/joviejovv

Jovie Jovv has the entire music on notice with this record as both the visuals and the audio of the record is way above par and it’s bound to put Kenya on the musical map.


I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.