Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck. Photos/Courtesy

Jennifer Lopez headed for 4th divorce as her marriage to actor Ben Affleck hit rock bottom 

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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, Hollywood’s prominent couple, are reportedly on the brink of divorce, allegedly due to Lopez’s perceived ‘love addiction’, sources claim.

Reports suggest that Lopez’s constant need for a partner has placed a strain on their marriage, echoing a pattern where she tends to fall ‘fast and hard’ in her relationships.

Recently, Lopez shared a Father’s Day tribute to Ben Affleck, but it lacked the intensity of previous years, hinting at possible troubles in their relationship.

Speculations about their impending divorce have intensified, especially amid reports that they are no longer living together.

TMZ’s new documentary on Hulu, titled ‘JLo & Ben: Missed Warning Sign,’ has further shed light on potential reasons behind their relationship’s challenges. Sources interviewed suggest that Lopez may be a ‘love addict’ who feels a constant need to have a man in her life.

It’s suggested that Lopez’s history of moving quickly from one relationship to another—from Ojani Noa to Chris Judd, Marc Anthony, A-Rod, and now Affleck—supports this notion.

In May, insiders hinted at different approaches to managing media attention as another factor straining their marriage. Affleck reportedly dislikes attention and finds it uncomfortable, contrasting with Lopez’s more open and public persona.

Sources close to the couple reveal that Affleck’s preference for privacy and introspection clashes with Lopez’s more extroverted and open-hearted approach to fans and the public.

As tensions mounted, Lopez seems to have resigned herself to the idea that saving her marriage may no longer be possible.

According to a recent report from the Daily Mail, Lopez has reached a breaking point, feeling that despite her efforts, the situation with Affleck has not improved and may even be worsening.

Sources close to the couple emphasize that both Lopez and Affleck tried hard to make their marriage work but ultimately faced insurmountable challenges due to their differing styles and approaches to life.

Lopez, who has been married four times previously, appears ready to move forward from her relationship with Affleck, highlighting the complexities and pressures faced by two major stars trying to sustain a marriage under public scrutiny.

Her previous marriages include unions with Ojani Noa from 1997 to 1998, Cris Judd from 2001 to 2003, and Marc Anthony, with whom she shares twins Max and Emme, from 2004 to 2014.