Incest is a very touchy subject and rightly so. But this latest story from our Caucasian relatives in the States takes the cake. The details are sickening and outright disgusting.

So what happened? A 26-year-old Oklahoma woman has been given 10 years of probation this week after admitting she had a sexual relationship with her 44-year-old mother that even led to marriage., 26, pleaded guilty to incest on Tuesday after the illicit affair was uncovered.

Her mother, Patricia Ann Spann, 44, lost custody of her daughter and two sons when they were kids. They were then adopted and raised by their paternal grandmother. She reunited with Misty in 2014 and says the two of them ‘hit it off’ and started talking about adopting a child together. They married in March 2016, after Patricia convinced her daughter that they weren’t violating the law by being together.

The most shocking thing of this saga is that this isn’t the first time Patricia has been caught in a romantic relationship with one of her children. She also married one of her sons, Jody Calvin Spann, back in 2008 but the son later annulled it two years later.

KSWO reports that Patricia told investigators her relationship with her son was not sexual and she married him to prevent him being deployed to the military. Misty and Jody’s brother Cody Spann told KSWO that his mother manipulated both his sister and brother into marriage. Cody said:
“I think she’s worthless she put my sister into this. She forced my sister into this, there’s a lot of people that know it. For you to want to put your own daughter through this, what kind of person are you? If that’s what you want that’s on you, but none of us kids want that, and now you got my sister behind bars because of your choices, why don’t you let that sit on you as a mom.”
Yeah the world is truly ending. Hide!