ICYMI Magix Enga was involved in a grisly road accident

2 mins read

One of the best record producers Kenya has ever seen thus far was involved in a grisly car accident at night a couple of days back.

The multi-talented record producer and recording artiste was involved in a hit and run which saw his car wrecked and the offenders fleeing.

See also: Magix Enga already in studio working on a project with Redsan

Magix Enga was involved in an accident on Friday, 24th 2020 when he was coming from work.

Magix Enga thanked one cop from Jogoo House who showed up on time to help him in every way even though the guys who wrecked his car and flee stole every valuable thing he had in the car.

Magix Enga’s car that was involved in a grisly car accident, the perpetretors who did this to him stole every valuable thing in the car and ran away. Photo credit: Instagram/magix_enga
Magix Enga’s car that was involved in a grisly car accident, the perpetrators who did this to him stole every valuable thing in the car and ran away. Photo credit: Instagram/magix_enga

“Thanks to this Cop from Jogoo House Alifika on time 🙏🏾 Although The guys who did this they managed to take whatever was in the car,”

Magix Enga wrote in part on social media.

Magix Enga who came out of the situation unscathed save for mild chest pain and headache thanked God that he is alive to make more hits and escalate the music industry across East Africa to greater heights.

“Thank God I’m alive to see another day and make more hits.. pray for me 🙏🏾 Chest pain and headache” the Beatking hitmaker added.


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