beautiful Huddah Monroe inside a white bedroom rocking purple

Huddah Monroe also wants a piece of politics come 2022

4 mins read

Huddah Monroe has declared officially that she wants a piece of the politics action come 2022 where she will be vying for her first ever political office to represent Nairobi as a Women Representative.

The well traveled, socialite cum businesswoman made it clear that via her Instastories that she would also want to be a politician after citing that Octopizzo has a better chance of leading the Kibra people than anyone else out there since he knows all the problems the society is facing.

“People have made that Kibera MP bid a joke. LMFAO! It looks like a Circus full of clowns, and serious comedy ground. Y’all need to vote for OCTOPIZZOOOO. He grew up there and knows all the problems that society is facing …” she said in her well elaborated post.

Huddah Monroe (who happens to be Prezzo’s ex who is also vying for the Kibra seat) is rather shocked why the contestants are not saying what they can do for the people of Kibra which happens to be one of the biggest slums in the world.

“🤣Kuna Bangi Mbaya inaCirculate Nairobi. Nobody is saying exactly what they want to do for the people of Kibra one of the biggest slums in the world in my opinion. But y’all think that place is sh*t hole you can go and sh*t anytime and leave. Mmevuta bangi sana na Mtawacha ujinga. I feel like mobilizing the youth of KIBRA to stone anyone who steps foot in that place with all this nonsense I’m seeing online 🤣🤣” she added.

Huddah Monroe who has since come up with a political hashtag slogan already dubbed #WHYNOT? has decided to join the political arena as she vyies for the Nairobi Women Representative come 2022 says that she hates politics but she has decided to join altogether and see if she can make a change.

“I hate politics. But I also feel like I’m gonna join this circus & be one of the clowns for fun … Coz that’s exactly what it is becoming 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣” Huddah Monroe continued her Insta-stories posting as she revealed her official political poster.

It’s not yet confirmed entirely by herself if she is really in earnest that she indeed wants to vie for a political seat in the next general election or she’s in jest wanting to pull Kenyans legs, pulling up a gimmick to see how Kenyans will react because she is using a whole lot of laughing emojis and all.

#EveryBodyEats 💯 .
Nani atanishika mkono ? Ama Nipigie Baba Magoti ? Sijui nililie Sonko ? Ama Nilambez Mr Kenyatta ? Nikona maswali! Lakini Cha Muhimu ni nyinyi Wazalendo . Mnishikilie, Niwashikilie! TUSHIKAMANE!!!
(Inserts unnecessary KITENDAWILI) (Hakuna kisicho badali – There is nothing that cannot be replaced.)

@huddahthebosschick posted on Instagram

All the postings points that she is indeed serious to take up the challenge though. Only time will tell how this new venture of hers will pun out.


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