how to treat ulcers naturally at home

3 mins read

Ulcers are brought about by acid that build up in the stomach. The foods we eat and many beverages we take or in general our lifestyle contributes a lot to how our well being will eventually be as a consequence.

When one eats trash he actually exhibits trash seen by how our bodies react to what goes inside us, this is why when one drinks alcohol, the result is being drunk and either mess up somewhere somehow or behave depending on how much of the same he took in his system. The same goes with foods that we eat.

woman writhing in pain. Photo: courtesy

Foods that contain a lot of acid would definitely present uncomfortable gases and fluids that corrode the stomach walls and cause serious pain and flatulence.

Many times we would be told or given various solutions that are mythical and hard to understand i.e. that when paining in the stomach, one should use fresh milk to calm the pain, this isn’t true because milk cuddles and in turn produces acids that would pain the stomach thus rendering milk useless in this case.

woman writhing in pain. Photo: courtesy

Others believe they can take mild alcohol and cool the stomach or even kill any germs whatsoever e.g. H-Pylori that courses ulcers and eventually heal the wounds. Alcohol too has components that wouldn’t favor ulcers by any means.

Many communities have various ways and means they tried to heal ulcers with and I remember one lady being told she was bewitched and so she refused any type of medicine till she died.

Spring Cabbages usually helps to curb ulcers. Photo credit: courtesy

I want to state that it’s only natural foods that would deal with ulcers, an acidic stomach requires foods that are able to neutralize the acid thus creating an alkaline environment that would accommodate most useful organisms or enzymes that are useful for digestion and assimilation of food.

make a habit of eating carrots, it somewhat helps in fighting ulcers. Photo

It is wise therefore to go for cabbages, Irish potatoes, carrots and in general seeds and fruits that have very little or no acids at all for some good time…say two months as the ulcers heal before putting back any acids in the stomach again.


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