His Excellency CMB Prezzo Goes For A Shooting Range and Empties A Full Magazine

1 min read

We all remember the King of Bling Bling, CMB Prezzo’s flashy life don’t we? Well, that is not all CMB Prezzo is all about, he is a talented rap artiste representing the 254 (Kenya) to the fullest that he once represented Kenya at the BBA(Big Brother Africa) Show in South Africa and almost brought the prize money back home, we still appreciate him for representing us and doing us proud.

Prezzo Holding A gun
Prezzo Holding A gun

He has been busy of late but only this time not in music capacity per se but in fire arms, earlier this week he was seen practicing how to fire a gun at a shooting range which he looked like a pro while doing that. Whatever the reasons he is practicing it for, he has surely polished the mastery of holding a lethal weapon, so y’all don’t play with the CMB Prezzo because he knows how to protect himself.

Check the video below.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.