Hamisa Mobetto and her sweetheart Kelvin Sochax. Photo/Instagram (@hamisamobetto)

Hamisa Mobetto explains why she broke up with her Togolese boyfriend Kevin Sowax

2 mins read

In a recent interview, Tanzanian musician and model, Hamisa Mobetto, confirmed her split from her China-based ex-boyfriend, Kevin Sowax, also known as Mtogo.

The mother of two revealed that the breakup occurred some time ago, attributing it to the challenges of long-distance and their busy schedules.

“I am very single. Yes, I am not in a relationship. I am single,” Hamisa stated.

She further elaborated on the reasons behind their separation, explaining, “There was no particular reason for us to break up, let’s say we were ourselves, but one issue was the distance, we are both far away, he is busy and I am busy.”

Despite their parting, Hamisa spoke fondly of Kevin, acknowledging him as a good person whom she will continue to appreciate.

“He is a very good person and I accept him, I will always do that. But that’s it, our paths had to part one way or another,” she expressed.

The confirmation of their split came after Kevin Sowax posted a photo of a new woman believed to be his girlfriend, “Khadija Sowax,” on social media last month.

This move seemed to confirm the end of his relationship with Hamisa, especially after he previously deleted all photos of her from his social media accounts.

Reflecting on her perspective on marriage, Hamisa expressed newfound appreciation for the institution.

“For a while I felt that I had no faith in marriage… But now I see the importance of marriage,” she shared, indicating a shift in her outlook on relationships.

Despite the breakup, Hamisa remains focused on her career and raising her children, while Kevin continues to pursue his endeavors in business.

Related: Hamisa Mobetto asks her Togolese sweetheart Kevin Sowax to be her husband forever