Gospel Singer Bahati Attends A Burial in Murang’a for His Female Fan Charity Who succumbed to Cancer Last Week.

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We all know how soft-hearted Bahati is toward children and that might be the sole reason if not most important one that he opted to adopt his children that he equally adore them. We all came to know about Charity-may God rest her soul to eternal peace- after her mother reached out to Bahati through social media and asked the singer if he can grant her daughter’s wish to see the singer who happens to be her favorite singer. Bahati obliged and took time off his busy schedule to go see her in Kenyatta hospital and even took lots of selfies together, enjoyed some happy moments together and gave her hope, solace and gave her more reason to fight the sickness.

Bahati visits a sick child with a terminal disease after her mother ask him over social media to go visit her

Charity was suffering from a terminal cancer and he passed on last week which took a blow to the singer because he had built a bond and a powerful friendship with her. He was such a good friend to Bahati that he went on ahead to refer to her not only as a friend but Family and this is what Bahati had to say about Charity

#RIP_CHARITY It was the Most Painful Moment ever Since I came to this Music Ministry. Seeing One of us go back to Dust. You’re not my Fans, You’re My Family. And we will Stand Together even in the Darkest Hours!!! More Photos Follow  @teambahati

She was laid to rest in Murang’a

Photos courtesy of Mseto East Africa

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.