Victoria Kimani made it official that she will go on a nationwide tour dubbed ‘Safari Tour’ where she will perform most if not all of her single and also promoting her debut album ‘Safari’.

The other day, self proclaimed Kisumu President sent a tweet to Victoria Kimani ahead of her tour in Kisumu asking her if she will let him curtain raise for her in Kisumu if the tweet got a thousand retweets.
“Hey Victoria Kimani! Will you allow me to open the stage for you in Kisumu for #SafariTour if this tweet gets 1k RTs?” That’s the official tweet Gabiro sent out to Victoria Kimani
The response was amazing, Kenyans and Kenyan celebrities from Carol Radull to Kriss Darlin jumped on the action asking the telented Kenyan artiste who has worked with the best in the game to let Gabiro perform which she eventually said yes to, such a good heart Victoria Kimani has.
The response which made Gabiro Mtu Necessary and Safari Tour trend got the young Kisumu President feeling emotional and thankful at the same time for having his dream come true.
“I am grateful to each one of you who made this possible for me to be on Victoria Kimani ‘s #safarikenyatour . I could not post and tag all of you but trust me from the deepest part of my heart i am very grateful and wish i could meet you all and tell you this in person.” Gabiru Mtu Necessary said.
It is now official the Kisumu Safari Tour will have Gabiro Mtu Necessary as one of the acts that Victoria Kimani will call out or maybe an act that will curtain raise for her but it now solely depends on Victoria Kimani how
she will let Gabiro Mtu Necessary perform because it’s no lie when I say Gabiro Mtu Necessary has the Kisumu clout behind him for sure and it just might be poetic justice that he called himself the ‘Kisumu President’.