Khaligraph Jones is gradually becoming a very influencial person in African rap scene at a very high rate than most of his predecussors. Photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones
Khaligraph Jones is gradually becoming a very influencial person in African rap scene at a very high rate than most of his predecussors. Photo credit: Instagram/khaligraph_jones

follow Khaligraph Jones’ tweets in real-time

1 min read

Khaligraph Jones might be the most sought after rapper in the East(East African region) after he made his presence known after winning numerous and different awards back to back.

Official Alikiba Tweets in real-time

He won an award that both Cassper Nyovest and AKA have both won which makes him somewhat a person of interest not only in Kenya and around the East African region but let’s say in the entire African continent and worldwide as well.

Everybody wants to know what the OG is up to especially on his Twitter since every tweet nowadays is usually a way to communicate with thousands if not millions of fans worldwide.

Check out the official tweets coming from Khaligraph Jones’ official twitter handle below showing his recent tweets as fast as he tweets, you’ll be the first to know.

I love everybody who loves everybody, somebody got to love somebody at some point.
Music is something that comes natural to everybody and it's a language that everybody can understand, I understand it and that's why I speak it
fluently, do you.