According to Forbes, Floyd Mayweather is set to become a billionaire! Not a Ugandan billionaire at that! Yeah, in Kenyan money that is 103 billion shillings. That means he can build the Thika Super-highway 3 times over and still have some change left! A few billion left. What about us?
Mayweather also known by his nicknames Prettyboy or Money Mayweather has catapulted into this holy air because of the fight he had with Conor Mcgregor. The fight is set to bring in between 300-350 million dollars for Mayweather. He is the ‘ Moneyman’ indeed.
This exclusive circle of billionaire sportsmen that he is set to join include; Michael Jordan with an estimated net-worth of 1.5 billion dollars and Tiger Woods with an estiamted net-worth of 1.4 billion dollars. All brothers I see. Something to be proud of .
Tiger Woods

Michael Jordan

The remarkable thing about most of Mayweathers money is that he earned exclusively from pay-per-view and gate charges to his fights while the other two got most of their cash from endorsements in addition to their salaries.
That is truly impresive considering how hard it is to make momore money from salary than endorsements. Mayweather is truly the anomaly. An anomaly yes, but a anomaly the type of Neo in the Matrix and see how that turned out for Neo.