They say Americans are cool people when they come to Africa(exception of Brandy who went to Nigeria in 2013 and posted some degrading photos that she was cussed about on the internet by Nigerians) and Keri Hilson has proven that fact.
Well, we are yet to see her eat ugali and fish the way Mark Zuckerberg did when he was in the country the other day.
Keri Hilson who has and runs her foundation, Keri Hilson Foundation has had some fun her first day in the country after waking up early in the morning ready to go for a Safari as early as 5.43 AM.

Keri who made her 15th trip to the African continent and the first time in Kenya later on went to Kibera where she inspired 1,000 girls in school, made bracelets with the Kibera Creative Arts, spoke some sheng and learned how to do the Odi Dance which am sure made the Odi Dance inventor, Timeless Noel a very happy man.

“Day 1 in Kenya was AWESOME!!! I inspired 1,000 girls, made bracelets with @kiberacreativearts that provides a living & opportunity for the underdeveloped community, learned the Kenyan Odi dance (& some Swahili), & received welcome gifts from young locals.” she posted on her Instagram page.

Keri Hilson walking out of a Matumbo joint in Kibera. photo credit: Instagram/kerihilson

Keri Hilson taking a picture with singer, Habida, rapper, Viru Mbaya and comedian Mammito Eunice. photo credit: Instagram/kerihilson

She also met up with the Kibera born and bred rapper, Virusi Mbaya, comedian Mammito Eunice and Habida and took some memorable pictures together.

“Goosebumps moment Keri Hilson am greatful for meeting you in person” Mammito Eunice on meeting up with Keri Hilson the very first time.
It is important to know that Keri Hilson is one of the humbled and down-to-earth people who love Africa and the African cuisine after trying Nigerian delicacies a few months back this year where she ate Eba with edikang soup.
Eba is a very popular staple food made with grated cassava locally known as gari. Edikan ikong, on the other hand, is a vegetable soup popular among the Efik- Ibibio people of Akwa Ibom State and Cross River State in Nigeria.
Now we are waiting to see Keri Hilson -who will be performing at ‘The Terminal Music Weekend’ alongside the ‘Mans not hot’ sensation Big Shaq and other international artistes- eating our variety of local cuisine prefferably at Mama Oliech’s.
Let me be the 10000000th person to tell her, Karibu Kenya.