Guardian Angel and Esther Musila. Photo/Instagram (@esther.musila)

Esther Musila celebrates 54th birthday with gratitude and love

1 min read

Esther Musila marks her 54th birthday today, May 25, 2024, with heartfelt gratitude and reflections on life’s blessings.

The mother of three took to Instagram to express her appreciation for another year of life, thanking God and her parents for her existence.

In a touching post, Musila embraced her uniqueness as a child of the Almighty, expressing her profound gratitude for the journey of life thus far.

“I am alive, I am grateful, and I am happy,” she wrote, emphasizing her faith and resilience in the face of challenges.

As she embarks on another year, Musila shared her aspirations for more love, laughter, peace, and happiness. She offered a special prayer for guidance and protection, acknowledging God’s presence in her life’s journey.

Musila also took a moment to celebrate her husband, Guardian Angel, for being a cherished part of her life for the past four years.

She expressed deep gratitude for his love, presence, and the joy he brings into her life.

“Having you in my life has made me a better person,” she wrote, praising his affection and care.

With heartfelt messages of love and appreciation, Esther Musila’s birthday celebration was a testament to the blessings of family, faith, and enduring love.

Related: “Loving you was beyond my power” Esther Musila tells Guardian Angel