Comedian Eric Omondi answered Konshens about why he believes the promoters should invest in local musicians as opposed to flying in international artistes at the moment. Photo credit: Instagram/ericomondi, Instagram/konshens
Comedian Eric Omondi answered Konshens about why he believes the promoters should invest in local musicians as opposed to flying in international artistes at the moment. Photo credit: Instagram/ericomondi, Instagram/konshens

Eric Omondi tells Konshens publicly about the problems he has with the Kenyan music industry

3 mins read

Jamaican sensation Dancehall musician Konshens whose real name Garfield Delano Spence took to social media the other day to address Eric Omondi’s sentiments about international artists coming to Kenya.

Konshens reiterated that he’s more than willing to sit down and have a conversation with Eric Omondi so that he can understand the cause of his hurt because the Jamaican singer who is scheduled to perform in Kenya on December 13st 2021 cannot seem to understand where Eric Omondi is coming from.

“I Would love to sit down and hear what exactly your issue is, are you upset with international artists for loving your country? Local artists and promoters for not doing enough shows? Local fans for showing too much love to international artists for not showing enough support locally? or what?” Konshens told Eric Omondi in part.

Eric Omondi learning about the Jamaican sentiments opted to answer him as publicly as the Dancehall artiste did a few hours prior.

Eric Omondi took to social media to talk to Konshens addressing where his hurt is coming from in reference to his lamentation about the current state of the Kenyan music scene.

Eric Omondi explained his issues and/or problems with international artists going to Kenya not that he has any problems with any international artiste whatsoever.

The comedian took to social media to tell Konshens the following;

“My brother Konshens because you are a very smart and classy guy I will tell you the truth about my issue.

Here is the truth bro, you Jamaicans, Tanzanians and Nigerians have totally and completely overpowered our Artists. I don’t blame you, not at all.

Our Artists are lazy, redundant, dormant, and lack the spirit and will to push or even do more or better!!! Our local music industry is dead, buried, and rotting!

The Thing is we are trying to revive it and in order to do that I feel promoters ought to support our agenda by pushing our artists as well.

The big shows happening in Kenya in November and December include yourself, Charly Black, NSG, Kranium, Koffi Olomide, Harmonize, Mbosso, and I’m told Cecile is also on her way.

My brother, you guys are killing us. Our musicians are weak and sickly. I feel like we need a little space to recover, rejuvenate and the promoters are not doing Anything to help!

I have personally tabled a motion in our parliament to ensure we play 75% Local because bro our radio and TV stations only play foreign music.

I totally have nothing against International Artistes I am just trying to put our house in order.”


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