DJ Mo and his wonderful wife Size 8 have been blessed with a wonderful marriage and a beautiful daughter. They are a celebrity couple that many hope will last the distance. They not only wear synchronized outfits but they also shop for cars together. Surely a family that shops together stays together! Hehehe!

So it is not a shock that they have both come out to post nearly identical messages on social media about the need for Kenyan unity and togetherness in this volatile time. Kwani what is happening? Kama hujui kaa hivo! The messages are both illuminating on their state of mind. The messages express their desire for Kenyans to have peaceful elections in this uncertain period in Kenya’s history.

I will not give spoilers but these messages are what our leaders need to be preaching as we enter squeaky bum time. Here is Size 8’s message:
“Good morning all Kenyans hope you are well. I am a LUHYA (BUKUSU/Gisu) and am married to a KIKUYU who i really love so very much 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 and we just gave birth to a beautiful girl who is just KENYAN. Let us not fight or hate each other coz of our tribe we are KENYANS and God calls us to love each other . LOVE IS THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT. Cc @djmokenya”
Here is DJ Mo’s message:
Good morning Kenyans, hope you are well. I am a KIKUYU and my lovely wife, my heartbeat is a LUHYA (BUKUSU -GISU) @size8reborn 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 and we have a beautiful girl who is just KENYAN. Let us not fight or hate each other because of our tribes -KENYANS, God calls us to love each other . #tribekenya
What do you guys think of there messages? Are they what we need or they are just useless blather?