Dj Gee Gee real name Daniel Githongo got married to his loving wife, Jasmine Macharia on October 4th in 2014 and they have been together ever since, happy ever after.
Jasmine took to her gram to open up about the somewhat cliche people usually tend to ask her whenever they get a chance.

“How did you know he was the one? A question I get countless times. Simple. I had peace about him.
I loved him, yes, but that wasn’t the only reason why. Before the hubby and I started dating, I had been single for 2 years. He had been single for 5+. Before that, I had dated a lot ever since I was a teen.
By the time I chose singlehood, I was done with “dating just to date.” I wasn’t going to allow loneliness to push me to the arms of someone who wasn’t going to be my husband. I’d wasted enough time before that. I didn’t need another ex.
During that time, my focus was on God! I started to see singlehood as a blessing instead of a curse, and I devoted myself to enjoying my time with God. I served in the church, made new friends, traveled, and legit enjoyed every minute of it! I stopped flirting, crushing, and leading any guys on. It just didn’t seem right for me to waste someone else’s time or to mislead them. Their time and hearts were just as valuable as mine.
I remember when Geegee and I started talking. I went to God in prayer asking Him the purpose behind it. All I got was peace. It was so strange to me at first since I was so used to God telling me “no” and showing me that it wasn’t the person He had for me.
On hubby’s side, he was fasting and praying as well and we literally prayed through every text. It may sound ridiculous but none of us wanted to waste each other’s time. If this wasn’t it, we were okay with God ending it before it started.
I remember telling God, “me and you are good! If this isn’t it, please end it!” And again all I got was peace.
Then I started understanding that His peace was a yes. I had never had such peace with anyone else. I just felt like I finally belonged.
Fast forward to 2-3 weeks of us talking, hubby asked me to be his girlfriend and made it clear on the first day, that we were courting towards marriage. He didn’t beat about the bush and I said yes. I never thought I would meet a man who knew what he wanted from the get-go! It was such a breath of fresh air. A year and a half later, we got married. #forevertheMacharias” – Jasmine Macharia posted
It is only a few hours before their wedding anniversary and they can’t wait to celebrate it